Radeon 7970 for mac
Radeon 7970 for mac

radeon 7970 for mac radeon 7970 for mac

We also know nearly garenteed smaller no optical drive, faster possibly cheaper, could be featured with new OS X release date 2013 Or I guess we could build a beast of a Hackintosh… In our studio, we’d sell our PCI gear and use a 4 track tape machine like the Beatles (the results were outstanding, would you not agree?) before we’d switch to Windows.

Radeon 7970 for mac professional#

For example, PCI audio is the way it works in professional recording: Versatility and expandability are critical for serious (meaning: we get paid for this) content creation. The only thing that matters to us is that Apple keeps making a MacPro tower. But when professional products-like Xserve-drop from production, it’s terrifying. Pros don’t care that the new tower looks the same as the previous model-it's a different market than the iPhone. Pros don’t worry about constant redesigns. I love my iPad-I’m glad Apple sells millions of them-but I can't use it to do my job. The MacPro is not a web-shopping appliance. People don't buy MacPros for anything but work: scientific, design, audio, video, whatever. It doesn’t need to be smaller, and yes, it could still use an optical drive (or two!) because it’s a big professional machine. USB 3, whatever Thunderbolt would be a welcome addition, still not critical. New case design doesn't matter-the current case is amazing.

Radeon 7970 for mac